It's not outrageously pretty or flawless, but then again, most likely, neither are you. Hand-carved and rough around the edges — just like life. Get it while it’s still raw.
I’m not sure how it will handle wet stuff — probably better off with coffee grounds or something dry. Or go ahead, eat soup with it and see what happens. Your call. Either way, it's good enough to be functional for something.
Tip to handle: ≈ 15 cm
Bowl: ≈ 4.5 cm
Material: Beech, maybe
Finish: Danish Oil (The internet assures me it’s food safe)
The wood was sourced in Haarlem, NL. Found a cluster of branches close to the base station . . . they seemed to have taken a liking to the ground after the storm that November.
You shall receive it as an untracked letter and FWIW, funds will be used to cover live-streaming expenses.